a. All flight movement data on the aircraft listed in subparagraphs
1 and 2 shall be immediately brought to the attention of the operations
manager and forwarded by the most expeditious means (voice, if possible)
to the Senior Director at the concerned NORAD Region Operations Control
Center/Sector Operations Control Center and to the Air Traffic Control
System Command Center (ATCSCC ATO-200). Voice messages will be followed
up with a data communication message when directed. All flight plans on
aircraft listed in subparagraphs 1 and 2, including flights within the
Continental U.S., shall be retransmitted by data communication to ATO-200
and the Office of International Aviation, Attention: AIA-101.
1 - All flight movement data includes flight plans and changes thereto
such as changes from IFR to VFR, re-routes or route deviations authorized
or directed by the facility, departure messages, arrival messages, unauthorized
route deviations or any other unusual operations, etc.
2 - These procedures are in addition to the AMIS procedures contained
in Handbook 7610.4 Chapter 5.
3 - The concerned NORAD Region/Sector is the one to whom SCATANA reports
are forwarded consistent with local ARTCC/NORAD Region SCATANA reporting
4 - All Continental U.S. facilities have either direct flow control
interphone circuits or can reach ATO-200 by DSN, 725-3333, or telephone
(703) 708-5100.
{New-98-8 Revised August 13, 1998}
1. All known aircraft of Cuban registry and all known civil aircraft of other special interest countries that will enter, overfly, or operate within the Continental United States, the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico or Pacific Coastal ADIZs, or the Southern Border Domestic ADIZ.
{New-98-8 Revised August 13, 1998}
Special interest countries include Albania, Bulgaria, Cambodia,
Peoples Republic of China, Cuba, North Korea,
Outer Mongolia, Romania, Russia, the Ukraine, and other members
of the Commonwealth of Independent States,
and Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
P/CG, term Continental United States.
2. All known civil aircraft of foreign registry, other than
the aircraft in subparagraph 1, that will enter or overfly the Continental
United States en route to or from Cuba.
b. Advance route information which has been cleared by NORAD and
coordinated by AIA-101 with the State Department, as necessary, will be
passed to the concerned ARTCCs by AIA-101 via ATO-200. Inform ATO-200 of
your concurrence or problems with the route, as the case may be. ATO-200
will relay any problems to AIA-101 for resolution with NORAD. Advance route
information does not constitute the forwarding of flight movement data
to NORAD as specified in subparagraph a.
FAAO 7110.65, Application, paragraph 9-2-2.
a. Comply with any operational request that may be received directly
from NORAD or through ATO-200 unless the change will affect flight safety.
When safety is a factor, acquaint NORAD with the situation and attempt
to work out an alternate solution if time and circumstances permit. If
unable, take the course of action dictated by flight safety considerations
and inform NORAD and ATO-200 as quickly as possible thereafter. Comply
with requests for information or assistance from NORAD or the State Department
which may include relay of messages to facilities or an aircraft in flight.
State Department communications will be relayed through ATO-200.
b. Request the aircraft to return to its approved route/reroute
of flight whenever any deviation is noted.
c. Immediately alert the operations manager and notify the Senior
Director at the concerned NORAD Region Operations Control Center/Sector
Operations Control Center and ATO-200 via the most expeditious means when
the following conditions occur:
1. The aircraft refuses to comply with a NORAD or State Department
2. Communication with the aircraft is established but the aircraft's
identification cannot be immediately correlated with a known flight plan.
Attempt flight plan correlation when time permits.
3. The aircraft deviates from its approved route of flight and
refuses to return to it when so requested.
4. The aircraft refuses a reroute when so cleared or deviates
from its reroute and refuses to return to it when requested.
5. A departure message on a flight plan of an aircraft in paragraph
9-2-1, General, subparagraph a1 originating in Canada, Mexico, or Cuba
is not received within 5 minutes after the proposed time and you are unable
to ascertain if the aircraft has departed either IFR or VFR.
d. If NORAD dispatches aircraft to intercept and escort the flight,
the control procedures in Escort of Hijacked Aircraft, FAAO 7610.4, Chapter
7, shall apply.
9-2-3 Emergency or Unscheduled Landings
{New-98-8 Revised August 13, 1998}
a. If an aircraft of a special interest country makes an emergency
or unscheduled landing in the United States, immediately alert the OM/controller-in-charge
of the shift and notify:
1. EN ROUTE: In the Continental United States -
(a) The Senior Director at the concerned NORAD Region
Operations Control/Sector Operations Control Center.
(b) ATO-200.
ATO-200 will relay or voice-patch the information to all FAA Washington
Headquarters organizations concerned.
(c) U.S. Customs Service Office for the airport where
the aircraft will land.
2. EN ROUTE: In the Pacific Region, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin
Islands - The Air Defense Control Center and the offices specified in subparagraphs
1(b) and (c).
Guam CERAP forwards the information through the Honolulu ARTCC.
3. EN ROUTE: In the Alaskan Region - The Alaskan NORAD Region
Operations Control Center and the offices specified in subparagraphs 1(b)
and (c).
4. TERMINAL: The nearest U.S. Customs Service Office and the
appropriate ARTCC.
b. Provide the following information to the organizations specified
in subparagraph 1(a) if available:
1. Type of aircraft.
2. Country of aircraft registry.
3. Destination airport.
4. Nature of emergency or reason for landing, as appropriate.
c. Advise the pilot that passengers must remain aboard the aircraft
after landing until cleared by the U.S. Customs Service Office.
d. TERMINAL: In cases where communication is established with
the aircraft but the aircraft identification cannot be immediately correlated
with a known flight plan, notify the appropriate ARTCC and nearest U.S.
Customs Service Office.