CHAPTER 2. The Learning Process

The Learning Process   2-1
Introduction 2-1
The First Flight 2-1
The Check Ride 2-1
Discussion of First Flight and Check Ride 2-2
What Is Learning? 2-2
The Framework for Learning 2-2
Learning Theory 2-2
Behaviorism 2-3
Cognitive Theory 2-3
Information Processing Theory 2-4
Constructivism 2-4
Perceptions 2-6
Factors That Affect Perception 2-7
Physical Organism 2-7
Goals and Values 2-7
Self-Concept 2-7
Time and Opportunity 2-7
Element of Threat 2-7
Insight 2-8
Acquiring Knowledge 2-8
Memorization 2-8
Understanding 2-9
Concept Learning 2-9
Thorndike and the Laws of Learning 2-10
Readiness 2-10
Effect 2-11
Exercise 2-11
Primacy 2-11
Intensity 2-11
Recency 2-11
Domains of Learning 2-12
Cognitive Domain 2-12
Affective Domain 2-14
Psychomotor Domain 2-15
Summary of Instructor Actions 2-15
Characteristics of Learning 2-15
Learning Is Purposeful 2-16
Learning Is a Result of Experience 2-16
Learning Is Multifaceted 2-17
Learning Is an Active Process 2-17
Learning Styles 2-17
Right Brain/Left Brain 2-18
Holistic/Serialist Theory 2-18
Index of Learning Styles (ILS) 2-18
Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic Learners (VAK) 2-19
Superlinks 2-19
Summary 2-19
Acquiring Skill Knowledge 2-20
Stages of Skill Acquisition 2-20
Cognitive Stage 2-20
Associative Stage 2-20
Automatic Response Stage 2-20
Knowledge of Results 2-21
How To Develop Skills 2-21
Types of Practice 2-22
Deliberate Practice 2-22
Blocked Practice 2-22
Random Practice 2-22
Evaluation Versus Critique 2-23
Overlearning of Knowledge 2-23
Application of Skill 2-24
Summary of Instructor Actions 2-24
Putting It All Together 2-24
Multitasking 2-24
Attention Switching 2-24
Simultaneous Performance 2-25
Learning To Multitask 2-25
Distractions and Interruptions 2-25
Fixation and Inattention 2-26
How To Identify Fixation or Inattention Problems 2-26
Scenario-Based Training 2-26
The Learning Route to Expertise 2-27
Cognitive Strategies 2-27
Problem-Solving Tactics 2-27
Awareness of Existence of Unknowns 2-27
Summary of Instructor Actions 2-27
Errors 2-28
Kinds of Error 2-28
Slip 2-28
Mistake 2-28
Reducing Error 2-28
Learning and Practicing 2-28
Taking Time 2-28
Checking for Errors 2-29
Using Reminders 2-29
Developing Routines 2-29
Raising Awareness 2-29
Error Recovery 2-29
Learning From Error 2-29
Summary of Instructor Actions 2-29
Motivation 2-29
Where Does the Motivation To Learn Come From? 2-31
Student Questionnaire 2-31
Maintaining Motivation 2-31
Rewarding Success 2-31
Presenting New Challenges 2-31
Drops in Motivation 2-32
Summary of Instructor Actions 2-32
Memory 2-32
Sensory Memory 2-32
Short-Term Memory (STM) 2-32
Long-Term Memory (LTM) 2-33
Remembering What Has Been Learned 2-34
How Usage Affects Memory 2-34
Forgetting 2-34
Retrieval Failure 2-34
Fading 2-34
Interference 2-35
Repression or Suppression 2-35
Retention of Learning 2-35
Praise Stimulates Remembering 2-35
Recall Is Promoted by Association 2-35
Favorable Attitudes Aid Retention 2-35
Learning With All Senses Is Most Effective 2-35
Meaningful Repetition Aids Recall 2-35
Mnemonics 2-35
Transfer of Learning 2-36
Habit Formation 2-37
How Understanding Affects Memory 2-37
Remembering During Training 2-37
Remembering After Training 2-37
Sources of Knowledge 2-38
Summary of Instructor Actions 2-38
Chapter Summary 2-38

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