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CHAPTER 8. Techniques of Flight Instruction

Techniques of Flight Instruction  8-1
Introduction 8-1
Flight Instructor Qualifications 8-2
Practical Flight Instructor Strategies 8-2
Obstacles to Learning During Flight Instruction 8-3
Unfair Treatment 8-3
Impatience 8-3
Worry or Lack of Interest 8-3
Physical Discomfort, Illness, Fatigue, and Dehydration 8-4
Fatigue 8-4
Dehydration and Heatstroke 8-5
Apathy Due to Inadequate Instruction 8-5
Anxiety 8-5
Demonstration-Performance Training Delivery Method 8-6
Explanation Phase 8-6
Demonstration Phase 8-6
Student Performance and Instructor Supervision Phases 8-6
Evaluation Phase 8-6
The Telling-and-Doing Technique 8-7
Instructor Tells—Instructor Does 8-7
Student Tells—Instructor Does 8-8
Student Tells—Student Does 8-8
Positive Exchange of Flight Controls 8-8
Background 8-9
Procedure 8-9
Sterile Cockpit Rule 8-9
Use of Distractions 8-9
Integrated Flight Instruction 8-10
Development of Habit Patterns 8-10
Operating Efficiency 8-10
Procedures 8-11
See and Avoid 8-11
Assessment of Piloting Ability 8-11
Demonstrated Ability 8-12
Postflight Evaluation 8-12
First Solo Flight 8-12
Post-Solo Debriefing 8-12
Correction of Student Errors 8-12
Pilot Supervision 8-12
Dealing with Normal Challenges 8-13
Visualization 8-13
Practice Landings 8-13
Practical Test Recommendations 8-13
Aeronautical Decision-Making 8-14
The Decision-Making Process 8-15
Defining the Problem 8-15
Choosing a Course of Action 8-15
Implementing the Decision and Evaluating the Outcome 8-17
Factors Affecting Decision-Making 8-17 8-17
Recognizing Hazardous Attitudes 8-17 8-17
Stress Management 8-18
Use of Resources 8-19
Internal Resources 8-19
External Resources 8-19
Workload Management 8-20
Chapter Summary 8-21

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