The proliferation of advanced avionics and instrumentation
has substantially increased the capabilities of
aircraft in the IFR environment.
A flight management system (FMS) is a flight computer
system that uses a large database to allow routes to be
preprogrammed and fed into the system by means of a
data loader. The system is constantly updated with
respect to position accuracy by reference to conventional
navigation aids, inertial reference system technology, or
the satellite global positioning system. The sophisticated
program and its associated database ensures that the
most appropriate navigation aids or inputs are automatically
selected during the information update cycle. A
typical FMS provides information for continuous automatic
navigation, guidance, and aircraft performance
management, and includes a control display unit
(CDU). [Figure 1-15]
The electronic flight information system (EFIS) found in
advanced aircraft cockpits offer pilots a tremendous
amount of information on a colorful, easy-to-read display.
Glass cockpits are a vast improvement over the earlier generation
of instrumentation. [Figure 1-16]
Primary flight, navigation, and engine information are
presented on large display screens in front of the flight
crew. Flight management CDUs are located on the center
console. They provide data display and entry capabilities
for flight management functions. The display units generate
less heat, save space, weigh less, and require less power
than traditional navigation systems. From a pilot’s point of
view, the information display system is not only more
reliable than previous systems, but also uses advanced
liquid-crystal technology that allows displayed information
to remain clearly visible in all conditions, including
direct sunlight.

Navigation systems are the basis for pilots to get from
one place to another and know where they are and what
course to follow. Since the 1930s, aircraft have navigated
by means of a set of ground-based NAVAIDs.
Today, pilots have access to over 2,000 such NAVAIDs
within the continental U.S., but the system has its
- Constrained to fly from one NAVAID to the
next, aircraft route planners need to identify a
beacon-based path that closely resembles the
path the aircraft needs to take to get from origin
to destination. Such a path will always be
greater in distance than a great circle route
between the two points.
- Because the NAVAIDs are ground-based, navigation
across the ocean is problematic, as is
navigation in some mountainous regions.
- NAVAIDs are also expensive to maintain.
Since the 1980s, aircraft systems have evolved towards
the use of SATNAV. Based on the GPS satellite constellation,
SATNAV may provide better position information
than a ground-based navigation system. GPS is universal
so there are no areas without satellite signals. Moreover, a
space-based system allows “off airway” navigation so that
the efficiencies in aircraft route determination can be
exacted. SATNAV is revolutionizing navigation for airlines
and other aircraft owners and operators. A drawback
of the satellite system, though, is the integrity and availability
of the signal, especially during electromagnetic
and other events that distort the Earth’s atmosphere. In
addition, the signal from space needs to be augmented,
especially in traffic-dense terminal areas, to guarantee the
necessary levels of accuracy and availability.
The CAASD is helping the navigation system of the
U.S. to evolve toward a satellite-based system. The
CAASD analysts are providing the modeling necessary
to understand the effects of atmospheric phenomena on
the GPS signal from space, while the CAASD is providing
the architecture of the future navigation system and
writing the requirements (and computer algorithms) to
ensure the navigation system’s integrity. Moving toward
a satellite-based navigation system allows aircraft to
divorce themselves from the constraints of ground-based
NAVAIDs and formulate and fly those routes that aircraft
route planners deem most in line with their own
cost objectives.
With the advent of SATNAV, there are a number of
applications that can be piggybacked to increase capacity
in the NAS. Enhanced navigation systems will be
capable of “random navigation,” that is, capable of treating any latitude-longitude point as a radio navigation
fix, and being able to fly toward it with the
accuracy we see today, or better. New routes into and
out of the terminal areas are being implemented that
are navigable by on-board systems. Properly
equipped aircraft are being segregated from other aircraft
streams with the potential to increase volume at
the nation’s busy airports by keeping the arrival and
departure queues full and fully operating.
The CAASD is working with the FAA to define the
nation’s future navigation system architecture. By itself,
the GPS satellite constellation is inadequate to serve all
the system’s needs. Augmentation of the GPS signal via
WAAS and LAAS is a necessary part of that new architecture.
The CAASD is developing the requirements
based on the results of sophisticated models to ensure the
system’s integrity, security, and availability. |