The NAS comprises the common network of U.S. airspace,
air navigation facilities, equipment, services,
airports and landing areas, aeronautical charts, information
and services, rules and regulations, procedures,
technical information, manpower, and material.
Included are system components shared jointly with
the military. The underlying demand for air commerce
is people’s desire to travel for business and pleasure
and to ship cargo by air. This demand grows with the
economy independent of the capacity or performance
of the NAS. As the economy grows, more and more
people want to fly, whether the system can handle it or not. Realized demand refers to flight plans filed by the
airlines and other airspace users to access the system.
It is moderated by the airline’s understanding of the
number of flights that can be accommodated without
encountering unacceptable delay, and is limited by
the capacity for the system.
