In the past, area navigation (RNAV) was most commonly
associated with the station-mover/phantom waypoint technology
developed around ground-based Very High
Frequency Omni-directional Range (VOR) stations.
RNAV today, however, refers to a variety of navigation
systems that provide navigation beyond VOR and NDB.
RNAV is a method of navigation which permits aircraft
operation on any desired flight path within the coverage of
station-referenced navigation aids or within the limits of
the capability of self-contained aids, or a combination of
these. The term also has become synonymous with the
concept of “free flight,” the goal of which is to provide
easy, direct, efficient, cost-saving traffic management as
a result of the inherent flexibility of RNAV.
In the past, departure procedures were built around
existing ground-based technology and were typically
designed to accommodate lower traffic volumes. Often,
departure and arrival routes use the same navigation aids
creating interdependent, capacity diminishing routes. As
a part of the evolving RNAV structure, the FAA has
developed departure procedures for pilots flying aircraft
equipped with some type of RNAV technology. RNAV
allows for the creation of new departure routes that are
independent of present fixes and navigation aids. RNAV
routing is part of the National Airspace Redesign and is
expected to reduce complexity and increase efficiency
of terminal airspace.
When new RNAV departure procedures are designed with
all interests in mind, they require minimal vectoring and
communications between pilots and ATC. Usually, each
departure procedure includes position, time, and altitude,
which increase the ability to predict what the pilot will
actually do. All told, RNAV departure procedures have
the ability to increase the capacity of terminal airspace by
increasing on-time departures, airspace utilization, and
improved predictability.
If unable to comply with the requirements of an RNAV
or required navigation performance (RNP) procedure,
pilots need to advise ATC as soon as possible. For example,
". . .N1234, failure of GPS system, unable RNAV,
request amended clearance." Pilots are not authorized to
fly a published RNAV or RNP procedure unless it is
retrievable by the procedure name from the navigation
database and conforms to the charted procedure. Pilots
shall not change any database waypoint type from a flyby
to fly-over, or vice versa. No other modification of
database waypoints or creation of user-defined waypoints
on published RNAV or RNP procedures is permitted,
except to change altitude and/or airspeed
waypoint constraints to comply with an ATC clearance/
instruction, or to insert a waypoint along the published
route to assist in complying with an ATC
instruction, for example, "Climb via the WILIT departure
except cross 30 north of CHUCK at/or above FL
210." This is limited only to systems that allow along
track waypoint construction.
Pilots of aircraft utilizing DME/DME for primary navigation
updating shall ensure any required DME stations are
in service as determined by NOTAM,ATIS, or ATC advisory.
No pilot monitoring of an FMS navigation source is
required. While operating on RNAV segments, pilots are
encouraged to use the flight director in lateral navigation
mode. RNAV terminal procedures may be amended by
ATC issuing radar vectors and/or clearances direct to a
waypoint. Pilots should avoid premature manual deletion
of waypoints from their active "legs" page to allow for
rejoining procedures. While operating on RNAV segments,
pilots operating /R aircraft shall adhere to any
flight manual limitation or operating procedure required
to maintain the RNP value specified for the procedure.
There are two types of public RNAV SIDs and graphic
ODPs. Type A procedures generally start with a heading
or vector from the DER, and have an initial RNAV fix
around 15 NM from the departure airport. In addition,
these procedures require system performance currently
met by GPS, DME/DME, or DME/DME/Inertial
Reference Unit (IRU) RNAV systems that satisfy the criteria
discussed in AC 90-100, U.S. Terminal and En Route
Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations. Type A terminal
procedures require that the aircraft's track keeping accuracy
remain bounded by ±2 NM for 95 percent of the total
flight time. For type A procedure RNAV engagement altitudes,
the pilot must be able to engage RNAV equipment
no later than 2,000 feet above airport elevation. For Type
A RNAV DPs, it is recommended that pilots use a
CDI/flight director and/or autopilot in lateral navigation
Type B procedures generally start with an initial RNAV
leg near the DER. In addition, these procedures require
system performance currently met by GPS or
DME/DME/IRU RNAV systems that satisfy the criteria
discussed in AC 90-100. Type B procedures require the
aircraft's track keeping accuracy remain bounded by ±1
NM for 95 percent of the total flight time. For type B procedures,
the pilot must be able to engage RNAV equipment
no later than 500 feet above airport elevation. For
Type B RNAV DPs, pilots must use a CDI/flight director
and/or autopilot in lateral navigation mode. For Type A
RNAV DPs and STARs, these procedures are recommended.
Other methods providing an equivalent level of
performance may also be acceptable. For Type B RNAV DPs, pilots of aircraft without GPS using
DME/DME/IRU must ensure that the aircraft navigation
system position is confirmed, within 1,000 feet, at the
start point of take-off roll. The use of an automatic or
manual runway update is an acceptable means of compliance
with this requirement. Other methods providing an
equivalent level of performance may also be acceptable.
For procedures requiring GPS and/or aircraft approvals
requiring GPS, if the navigation system does not automatically
alert the flight crew of a loss of GPS, aircraft operators
must develop procedures to verify correct GPS
operation. If not equipped with GPS, or for multi-sensor
systems with GPS that do not alert upon loss of GPS, aircraft
must be capable of navigation system updating using
DME/DME or DME/DME/IRU for type A and B procedures.
AC 90-100 may be used as operational guidance
for RNAV ODPs. Pilots of FMS-equipped aircraft, who
are assigned an RNAV DP procedure and subsequently
receive a change of runway, transition, or procedure, must
verify that the appropriate changes are loaded and available
for navigation.
RNAV departure procedures are developed as SIDs and
ODPs—both are charted graphically. An RNAV departure
is identifiable by the inclusion of the term RNAV in
the title of the departure. From an RNP standpoint, RNAV
departure routes are designed with a 1 or 2 NM performance
standard. This means you as the pilot and your aircraft
equipment must be able to maintain the aircraft
within 1 NM or 2 NM either side of route centerline.
[Figure 2-27]

Additionally, new waypoint symbols are used in conjunction
with RNAV charts. There are two types of waypoints
currently in use: fly-by (FB) and fly-over (FO). A fly-by
waypoint typically is used in a position at which a change
in the course of procedure occurs. Charts represent them
with four-pointed stars. This type of waypoint is designed
to allow you to anticipate and begin your turn prior to
reaching the waypoint, thus providing smoother transitions.
Conversely, RNAV charts show a fly-over waypoint
as a four-pointed star enclosed in a circle. This type of
waypoint is used to denote a missed approach point, a
missed approach holding point, or other specific points in
space that must be flown over. [Figure 2-28 on page 2-30]

RNAV departure procedures are being developed at a
rapid pace to provide RNAV capabilities at all airports.
With every chart revision cycle, new RNAV departures
are being added for small and large airports. These
departures are flown in the same manner as traditional
navigation-based departures; you are provided headings,
altitudes, navigation waypoint, and departure descriptions.
RNAV SIDs are found in the TPP with traditional
departure procedures. On the plan view of this procedure,
in the lower left corner of the chart, the previous
aircraft equipment suffix code and equipment notes have
been replaced with note 3, the new type code, Type B
RNAV departure procedure. Additionally, ATC has the
aircraft equipment suffix code on file from the flight
plan. [Figure 2-29 on page 2-31]

RNAV ODPs are always charted graphically, and like
other ODPs, a note in the Takeoff Minimums and IFR
Obstacle Departure Procedures section refers you to the
graphic ODP chart contained in the main body of the TPP.
[Figure 2-30 on page 2-32]

There are specific requirements, however, that must be
met before using RNAV procedures. Every RNAV departure
chart lists general notes and may include specific
equipment and performance requirements, as well as the
type of RNAV departure procedure in the chart plan view.
New aircraft equipment suffix codes are used to denote
capabilities for advanced RNAV navigation, for flight
plan filing purposes. [Figure 2-31 on page 2-33]

The chart notes may also include operational information
for certain types of equipment, systems, and performance
requirements, in addition to the type of RNAV departure
procedure. DME/DME navigation system updating may
require specific DME facilities to meet performance standards. Based on DME availability evaluations at the time
of publication, current DME coverage is not sufficient to
support DME/DME RNAV operations everywhere without
IRU augmentation or use of GPS. [Figure 2-32 on
page 2-33]
