As RNAV systems grow in
sophistication, high technology
FMS and GPS avionics are
gaining popularity as NDBs,
VORs, and LORAN are being
phased out. As a result, new procedures
are being introduced,
including RNP, RVSM, and
minimum navigation performance
specifications (MNPS).
ICAO defines an RNP “X” specification
as requiring on-board
performance monitoring and
alerting. Even such terms as
gross navigation errors
(GNEs) are being introduced
into the navigation equation. If
you commit a GNE in the
North Atlantic oceanic region
of more than 25 NM laterally
or 300 feet vertically, it has a
detrimental effect on the overall
targeted level of safety of
the ATC airspace system in
this region. This applies to
commercial operators, as well
as Part 91 operators, all of
whom must be knowledgeable
on procedures for operations
in North Atlantic airspace,
contained in the North Atlantic
MNPS Operations Manual.
RNP types are identified by a single accuracy value.
For example, RNP 1 refers to a required navigation
performance accuracy within 1 NM of the desired
flight path at least 95 percent of the flying time.
Countries around the world are establishing required
navigation performance values. For Federal Airways
in the U.S. that extend 4 NM from either side of the
airway centerline, the airway has an equivalent RNP
of 2. Figure 3-42 on page 3-38 shows ICAO RNP containment
parameters, including reference to lateral
and longitudinal total system errors (TSEs).

RNP requires you to learn new procedures, communications,
and limitations; and to learn new terminology
that defines and describes navigation concepts. One of these terms is RNP Airspace, a generic term designating
airspace, routes, legs, operations, or procedures
where minimum RNP has been established. P-RNAV
represents a 95 percent containment value of ±1 NM.
B-RNAV provides a 95 percent containment value of
±5 NM. RNP is a function of RNAV equipment that
calculates, displays, and provides lateral guidance
to a profile or path. Estimated position error (EPE)
is a measure of your current estimated navigational
performance, also referred to as actual navigation
performance (ANP).
RNP RNAV is an industry-expanded specification
beyond ICAO-defined RNP. Some of the benefits of
RNP RNAV includes being an aid in both separation
and collision risk assessment. RNP RNAV can further
reduce route separation. Figure 3-43 depicts route separation,
that can now be reduced to four times the RNP
value, which further increases route capacity within the
same airspace. The containment limit quantifies the
navigation performance where the probability of an
unannunciated deviation greater than 2 x RNP is less
than 1 x 10-5. This means that the pilot will be alerted
when the TSE can be greater than the containment
limit. Figure 3-44 shows the U.S. RNP RNAV levels by
airspace control regions, including RNP 2 for the en
route phase of flight, and Figure 3-45 on page 3-40
illustrates the U.S. standard RNP (95%) levels.
