Inappropriate descent planning and execution during
arrivals has been a contributing factor to many fatal aircraft
accidents. Since the beginning of commercial jet
operations, more than 9,000 people have died worldwide
because of controlled flight into terrain (CFIT). CFIT is
described as an event in which a normally functioning
aircraft is inadvertently flown into the ground, water, or
an obstacle. Of all CFIT accidents, 7.2 percent occurred
during the descent phase of flight.
The basic causes of CFIT accidents involve poor flight
crew situational awareness. One definition of situational
awareness is an accurate perception by pilots of the factors
and conditions currently affecting the safe operation
of the aircraft and the crew. The causes of CFIT are the
flight crews’ lack of vertical position awareness or their
lack of horizontal position awareness in relation to the
ground, water, or an obstacle. More than two-thirds of
all CFIT accidents are the result of an altitude error or
lack of vertical situational awareness. CFIT accidents
most often occur during reduced visibility associated
with instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), darkness,
or a combination of both.
The inability of controllers and pilots to properly communicate
has been a factor in many CFIT accidents.
Heavy workloads can lead to hurried communication
and the use of abbreviated or non-standard phraseology.
The importance of good communication during the
arrival phase of flight was made evident in a report by an
air traffic controller and the flight crew of an MD-80.
The controller reported that he was scanning his
radarscope for traffic and noticed that the MD-80 was
descending through 6,400 feet. He immediately
instructed a climb to at least 6,500 feet. The pilot
responded that he had been cleared to 5,000 feet and
then climbed to… The pilot reported that he had “heard”
a clearance to 5,000 feet and read back 5,000 feet to the
controller and received no correction from the controller.
After almost simultaneous ground proximity warning
system (GPWS) and controller warnings, the pilot
climbed and avoided the terrain. The recording of the
radio transmissions confirmed that the airplane was
cleared to 7,000 feet and the pilot mistakenly read back
5,000 feet then attempted to descend to 5,000 feet. The
pilot stated in the report: “I don’t know how much clearance
from the mountains we had, but it certainly makes
clear the importance of good communications between
the controller and pilot.”
ATC is not always responsible for safe terrain clearance
for the aircraft under its jurisdiction. Many times
ATC will issue en route clearances for pilots to proceed
off airway direct to a point. Pilots who accept this type of clearance also are accepting responsibility for
maintaining safe terrain clearance. Know the height of
the highest terrain and obstacles in the operating area.
Know your position in relation to the surrounding high
The following are excerpts from CFIT accidents related
to descending on arrival: “…delayed the initiation of the
descent…”; “Aircraft prematurely descended too
early…”; “…late getting down…”; “During a
descent…incorrectly cleared down…”; “…aircraft prematurely
let down…”; “…lost situational awareness…”;
“Premature descent clearance…”; “Prematurely
descended…”; “Premature descent clearance while on
vector…”; “During initial descent…” [Figure 4-12]

Practicing good communication skills is not limited to
just pilots and controllers. In its findings from a 1974 air
carrier accident, the National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB) wrote, “…the extraneous conversation
conducted by the flight crew during the descent was
symptomatic of a lax atmosphere in the cockpit that continued
throughout the approach.” The NTSB listed the
probable cause as “…the flight crew’s lack of altitude
awareness at critical points during the approach due to
poor cockpit discipline in that the crew did not follow
prescribed procedures.” In 1981, the FAA issued Parts
121.542 and 135.100, Flight Crewmember Duties,
commonly referred to as “sterile cockpit rules.” The
provisions in this rule can help pilots, operating under
any regulations, to avoid altitude and course deviations
during arrival. In part, it states: (a) No certificate holder
shall require, nor may any flight crewmember perform,
any duties during a critical phase of flight except those
duties required for the safe operation of the aircraft.
Duties such as company required calls made for such
purposes as ordering galley supplies and confirming
passenger connections, announcements made to passengers
promoting the air carrier or pointing out sights
of interest, and filling out company payroll and related
records are not required for the safe operation of the
aircraft. (b) No flight crewmember may engage in, nor may any pilot in command permit, any activity during
a critical phase of flight that could distract any flight
crewmember from the performance of his or her duties
or which could interfere in any way with the proper
conduct of those duties. Activities such as eating
meals, engaging in nonessential conversations within
the cockpit and nonessential communications between
the cabin and cockpit crews, and reading publications
not related to the proper conduct of the flight are not
required for the safe operation of the aircraft. (c) For
the purposes of this section, critical phases of flight
include all ground operations involving taxi, takeoff
and landing, and all other flight operations conducted
below 10,000 feet, except cruise flight.