As part of an ongoing effort to use the best technology
available, industry has improved the timeliness and accuracy
of information available to the pilot by converting it
from a paper to a digital medium. An electronic flight bag
(EFB) is an electronic display system intended primarily
for cockpit/flightdeck or cabin use. EFBs can display a
variety of aviation data or perform basic calculations,
such as determining performance data or computing fuel
requirements. In the past, paper references or an airline’s
flight dispatch department provided these functions. The
EFB system may also include various other hosted databases
and applications. These devices are sometimes
referred to as auxiliary performance computers or laptop
auxiliary performance computers.
The EFB is designed to improve efficiency and safety
by providing real-time and stored data to pilots electronically.
Use of an EFB can reduce some of a pilot’s
time-consuming communications with ground controllers
while eliminating considerable weight in paper.
EFBs can electronically store and retrieve many
required documents, such as the General Operations
Manual (GOM), Operations Specifications (OpSpecs),
company procedures, Airplane Flight Manual (AFM),
maintenance manuals and records, and dozens of other
documents. [Figure 6-4]
In addition, advanced EFBs can also provide interactive
features and perform automatic calculations, including
performance calculations, power settings, weight and
balance computations, and flight plans. They can also
display images from cabin-mounted video and aircraft
exterior surveillance cameras.
An EFB may store airport maps that can help a pilot
avoid making a wrong turn on a confusing path of runways
and taxiways, particularly in poor visibility or at
an unfamiliar airport. Many runway incursions are due
to confusion about taxi routes or pilots not being quite
sure where they are on the airport. [Figure 6-5]
The FAA neither accepts or approves Class 1 or 2 EFBs
which contain Types A, B, or C application software.
Those who operate under 14 CFR parts 91K, 121, 125,
129, or 135 must obtain authorization for use. Advisory
Circular 120-76, Guidelines for the Certification,
Airworthiness, and Operational Approval of Electronic
Flight Bag Computing Devices, sets forth the acceptable
means for obtaining both certification and approval for
operational use of Class 3 EFBs. It also outlines the
capabilities and limitations of each of the three classes
of EFBs, which are grouped according to purpose and
function. Depending on the features of the specific unit,
these devices are able to display a wide range of flightrelated
information. The most capable EFBs are able to
display checklists, flight operations manuals (FOMs),
CFRs, minimum equipment lists, en route navigation
and approach charts, airport diagrams, flight plans, logbooks,
and operating procedures. Besides serving as a
cockpit library, they can also make performance calculations
and perform many of the tasks traditionally handled
by a dispatch department. Some units can also
accept satellite weather data or input from global positioning
system (GPS) receivers, combining the aircraft
position and graphic weather information on a moving
map display.

Class 1 EFBs are portable. They can be used both on
the ground and during flight, but must be stowed for
takeoff and landing. They are limited to providing supplemental
information only and cannot replace any
required system or equipment. It may be connected to
aircraft power through a certified power source, to
operate the EFB and recharge its batteries. They are
allowed to read data from other aircraft systems, and
may receive and transmit data through a data link.
Class 1 EFBs can display many different kinds of tabular
data, such as performance tables, checklists, the
FOM, AFM, and pilot’s operating handbook (POH).
While a Class 2 EFB is also removable from the aircraft,
it is installed in a structural-mounting bracket. This
ensures that the EFB will not interfere with other aircraft
systems. While Class 1 and 2 EFBs are both considered
portable electronic devices, a logbook entry is
required to remove the Class 2 EFB from the aircraft. It
can be connected to aircraft power and to the aircraft’s
datalink port. The EFB can exchange data with aircraft
systems, enabling it to make interactive performance
calculations. It can be used to compute weight and balance
information as well as takeoff and landing Vspeeds,
and to display flight critical pre-composed data,
such as navigation charts. Since it is not necessarily
stowed for takeoff and landing, pilots can use it to display
departure, arrival, and approach charts.
The most capable EFBs are Class 3. These are built into
the panel and require a Supplemental Type Certification
(STC) or certification design approval with the aircraft
as part of its equipment. Paper charts may not be
required. Depending on the model, it may be connected
to the GPS or Flight Management System (FMS), and it
may be able to combine GPS position with the locations
and speed vectors of other aircraft and graphic weather
information into a single, detailed moving map display.
Its detailed database can also provide obstacle and terrain
warnings. It is important to remember that an EFB
does not replace any system or equipment required by
the regulations. |