Chapter 5
Note: The canopy stack should look like figure 5-74.
It is imperative that the rigger maintains control over the
packing process at all times. In particular, it is important
to keep the lines taut and straight and to keep the center
“wind channel” of the canopy stack clear and the line
attachment tabs stacked neatly.
1. Pull tension on the “A” lines. Split the leading edge in
half. [Figure 5-75]
2. Fold half under “A” lines. [Figures 5-76 and 5-77]

3. Pick up the “B” lines by the clamp and hold vertically
over the “A” clamp. [Figure 5-78] Note the spread of
the leading edge panels.
4. Lower the “B” clamp and material down to the “A”
clamp. [Figure 5-79] Spread the cells equally to both
sides. Keep the center cell in the middle.
5. Repeat this step with the “C” [Figure 5-80] and the
“D” line groups. [Figure 5-81]

6. Split the trailing edge and separate the control lines
into right and left groups. [Figure 5-82]
7. Remove the “D” clamp. Hold down the “D” lines at
the line attachment point and pull down the control
lines. [Figure 5-83] Do not disturb the center of the
canopy stack.