CHAPTER 7. Takeoff and Departure Climbs
Takeoff and Departure Climbs 7-1
Introduction 7-1
Terms and Definitions 7-2
Prior to Takeoff 7-2
Normal Takeoff 7-2
Takeoff Roll 7-3
Lift-Off 7-3
Initial Climb 7-4
Crosswind Takeoff 7-6
Takeoff Roll 7-6
Rotation and Lift-Off 7-6
Initial Climb 7-6
Ground Effect on Takeoff 7-7
Short Field Takeoff and Steepest Angle Climb 7-8
Takeoff Roll 7-9
Lift-Off and Climb Out 7-9
Soft/Rough Field Takeoff and Climb 7-10
Takeoff Roll 7-12
Lift-Off and Initial Climb 7-12
Rejected Takeoff/Engine Failure 7-12
Noise Abatement 7-13
Chapter Summary 7-13