February 26, 2014 – Cessna Aircraft Company, is
celebrating another testing milestone with the
Citation Latitude. In only the aircraft’s third
flight, the Latitude prototype has successfully
achieved full envelope performance for maximum
speed (440 KTAS, 506 mph), Mach speed (0.80) and
altitude (45,000 ft).
The aircraft was cleared for a direct climb to
45,000 ft with a gross takeoff weight of 29,000
pounds. The Citation Latitude project was
launched as a larger aircraft than the Cessna
Citation XLS+ and cheaper than the Cessna
Citation Sovereign.
The Citation Latitude will be powered by two
Pratt & Whitney Canada PW306D turbofan engines
and it will provide seating for 9. Like other
Citations, the Citation Latitude will feature a
cruciform tail and all metal fuselage. Scott
Ernest, Cessna president and CEO, says:
“Following last week’s first flight, we are
seeing the Citation Latitude’s high-speed