(100k) from Ned Avejic collection;
Production aircraft, based on the I-300/F.
It differed from prototype by dorsal fin, strengthening the tail structure
and improving course stability. Also added were flaps/airbrakes to cut
Landing Run (it was up to 1060m). To protect tail from the jet exhaust
shin steel plate was installed in 15mm from fuselage right after
the engine.
With extra fuel tanks takeoff weight was increased by 500kg, range
- by 300km and climb to 5000m - from 4.5min to 6.25min.
In this configuration MiG-9 was used as an escort fighter. State trials took place on October 22, 1946 - as was scheduled, without
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(39k) MiG-9 at the Monino AF Museum, photo by Paul Nann;
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