The 24th Infantry
In Japan
The 24th Infantry Regiment
was a unit of the United States Army that was
active from 1869 until 1951, and again from 1995
until 2006. The unit was primarily made up of
African-American soldiers. The 24th Infantry
Regiment is notable for serving their country
when systemic racism was overt, and when black
troops were treated as "second class" due to
The 24th Infantry's service in the occupation of Japan was a model not
only of the tensions that dogged all-black units in that day but also of
the subtle interplay those problems could have with the many challenges
the Army faced in the postwar period. On the surface, conditions within
the unit seemed favorable. The regiment was well situated in its base at
Gifu, and life seemed good for its troops. Down below, however, there was
much that was wrong.
To begin with, the Army itself was undergoing extreme turbulence. Personnel
strengths gyrated up and down throughout the postwar period as budgets
and manpower policies changed with the political winds. Training declined,
equipment shortages grew, and officers who might have sought to make the
military a career left the service. Training improved in 1949 but still
remained inadequate.
The Eighth Army in
Japan provides a case in point. Most of its soldiers were civilians at heart,
intent upon enjoying the pleasures of life in occupied Japan, where a GI's
salary could pay for an abundance of readily available pleasures. In many units,
black-market activities thrived, alcoholism was rife, and venereal disease
But the number one
transgression in the Eighth Army in the spring
of 1950 was drug abuse. It spread with sometimes
near abandon in many units, particularly those
that served like the 24th Infantry in or near
large port cities.
The 24th Infantry, for its part, experienced the same difficulties as
the rest of the Army, but it generally maintained high esprit de corps.
It gained a deserved reputation for its prowess at sports and its fine
marching. Its training was on a par with that of most other units, and at
the beginning of the Korean War it was one of a
few that had undergone some form of regimental
maneuvers. While the General Classification Test
scores for its men were significantly lower than
for the whites in other regiments, those figures
were inadequate as measures of innate

Indeed, many white
officers assigned to the regiment would later
insist that the enlisted men and noncommissioned
officers of the unit, whatever their schooling,
often knew their jobs and did them well. Even so, the 24th remained a racially segregated regiment, and the effects
of that system ate incessantly into the bonds that held the unit together.
They were often hidden at Gifu, which had become an artificial island for
blacks-"our own little world," as some of the men described it-but
even there, discontent festered just beneath the surface calm. Unwritten
but firmly held assignment policies, for example, ensured that black officers,
whatever their competence, would rarely if ever command whites. Throughout
the years prior to the Korean War, as a result, except for one lieutenant
colonel, the senior commanders of the regiment were white. As for its field-grade
officers, only the chaplains and a few majors in unimportant assignments
were black. |
The mistrust that
resulted on both sides was largely hidden behind a screen of
military conventions and good manners, but it was still there.
Black officers were frustrated and resentful. They saw that most
promotions and career-enhancing assignments went to white
officers, some of whom were clearly inferior to them in
education and military competence. Aware, as well, that few if
any of them would ever rise to a rank above captain, they could
only conclude that the Army considered them second class. They
retaliated by developing a view, as one African-American
lieutenant observed years later, that the 24th was a "penal"
regiment for white officers who had "screwed up." The whites,
for their part, although a number got along well with their
black colleagues, mainly kept to themselves.
The tensions that existed among the regiment's officers had
parallels in enlisted ranks. At times, black soldiers worked
well with their white superiors and relations between the races
were open, honest, and mutually fulfilling, primarily because
the white officers recognized the worth of their subordinates
and afforded them the impartiality and dignity they deserved.
Many whites, however, shared the racially prejudiced attitudes
and beliefs common to white civilian society. Although
infrequent, enough instances of genuine bigotry occurred to
cement the idea in the minds of black enlisted men that their
white officers were racially prejudiced.
As the regiment's stay lengthened at Gifu, an unevenness came
into being that subtly affected military readiness. In companies
commanded by white officers who treated their men with respect
but refused to accept low standards of discipline and
performance, racial prejudice tended to be insignificant, and a
bond, of sorts, developed between those who were leaders and
those who were led. In others, often commanded by officers who
failed to enforce high standards out of condescension, because
they wished to avoid charges of racial prejudice, or because
they were simply poor leaders, the bonds of mutual respect and
reliance were weak. On the surface, all seemed to run well
within those units. Underneath, however, hostility and
frustration lingered, to break forth only when the units faced
combat and their soldiers realized their lives depended on
officers they could not trust.
The problem might have had little effect on readiness if
officers had received the time to work out their relationships
with their men, but competition among them for Regular Army
commissions, under the so-called Competitive Tour Program,
produced a constant churning within the regiment. Officers
arrived at units, spent three months in a position, and then
departed for new assignments. In addition, the officer
complements of entire companies sometimes changed abruptly to
maintain segregation and to ensure that a black would never
command whites. Under the circumstances, officers often had
little time to think through what they were doing. Not only were
their own assignments temporary, the group of officers they
commanded was also in constant turmoil. A confluence of good
officers might, for a time, produce a cohesive, effective,
high-performing company, but everything might dissolve over
night with a change of command.
Under the circumstances, the personality of the regimental
commander was vital, and for much of the time in Japan the unit
was commanded by an officer who seemed ideally suited for the
job. Strong, aggressive, experienced, Colonel Michael E.
Halloran held the respect and support of most of his
subordinates, whether commissioned or enlisted. The performance
of the regiment while he was in charge was all that anyone could
have expected at that time and in that place. The effectiveness
of Halloran's successor is more in question. Colonel Horton V.
White was intelligent and well intentioned, but his low-key,
hands-off style of command did little to fill the void when
Halloran departed.
It would be interesting to determine what the results would have
been if the 24th had gone to war under Halloran rather than
White, but the efficiency of a unit in combat is rarely
determined by the presence of a single individual, however
experienced and inspiring. What is clear, is that if the 24th
went into battle much as the other regiments in the Eighth Army
did-poorly trained, badly equipped, and short on experience-it
carried baggage none of the others possessed, all the problems
of trust and lack of self-confidence that the system of
segregation had imposed. |
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