The 24th recovered once more.
When it reentered combat in late February 1951, it demonstrated its ability both
in the attack and on the defense, but it remained no less immune than any other
unit to the misfortunes of war. Its performance at the Han River crossing in
March, for example, was all that anyone could have hoped for. The assault across
the Hant'an in April, however, only added to its poor image in the eyes of white
In that operation the 1st
Battalion performed well, securing a crossing and then advancing through
difficult terrain against a strongly emplaced enemy. Setbacks in another area
nonetheless diminished that accomplishment. The 3d Battalion also crossed the
river, but only after a last-minute change of plans that put it well downstream
from the 1st Battalion in difficult terrain, heavily defended by a strong enemy
The unit made the crossing and pressed forward up a steep mountainside,
but then it collapsed under enemy fire and fell back in disorder. Either
inadvertently or on purpose, officers passed information to the rear depicting a
far more favorable situation than the one that prevailed.
When the division commander
found out, he lost all confidence in the regiment forever. From that day on, the
division followed the unit's operations closely. Although the regiment delivered
a generally solid performance in the attack north of the Hant'an and then
conducted an orderly withdrawal to Line Golden after the Chinese Spring
Offensive, the suspicion never departed. When it participated in the Eighth
Army's drive back to the north in May and June, despite a few exceptions, it
again performed well.
When the last commander of the
regiment, Colonel Thomas D. Gillis, took charge in August, he received a warning
from the division commander that the 24th held the weakest line in all of the
Eighth Army. Arriving at the unit, he rapidly decided his superiors were
mistaken. Surveying the regiment, he concluded that leadership was the problem
and proceeded to relieve a number of officers. His efforts were rewarded on 15
September, when Company F of the 2d Battalion conducted a heroic bayonet and
grenade assault. That accomplishment, however, like so much that had happened to
the 24th, received little notice.
Buried in unit records, the
achievement went largely unrecognized and unremembered except by Gillis and a
few veterans. The incident on 15 September marked the last significant attack
conducted by the 24th. On 22 September the regiment received formal notice that
on 1 October the 14th Infantry regiment would replace it on the line and that it
would cease to exist as a unit. For a time, some thought had been given to the
possibility that the 24th might remain in Korea as an integrated unit. In that
case, it would merely have exchanged groups of personnel with the all-white 34th
Infantry regi ment, then training in Japan.
In the end, however, the Far East Command rejected the plan because
it would have violated the 1866 act of Congress that had designated the
24th as an all-black unit. When integration came, as a result, other all-black
units-the 3d Battalion of the 9th Infantry, for example, and the 64th Tank
Battalion-remained in existence; the asterisk that designated them as segregated
units was dropped from their names and their personnel were exchanged with
other regiments in the Eighth Army. Only the 24th Infantry, because of
its peculiar legal status, ceased to exist.