When asked about how the airline implements dress code
requirements, US Airways spokeswoman, Vaierie Wunder
stated "We don't have a dress code policy. Obviously, if
their private parts are exposed, that's not
appropriate... So if they're, not exposing their private
parts, they're allowed to fly". In this case Marman did
not expose his private parts.
There appears to be a double standard when a passenger
can board an aircraft in lingerie and not be asked
change their attire or be asked to exit the aircraft. There
appears to be an inconsistent treatment of passengers by
US Airways and the absence of a dress code policy
suggests that the airline has selectively enforced
subjective standards of dress on its passengers. As a
result Marmon experienced embarrassment and humiliation
when he was forcefully removed from Flight 488.
The Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San
Francisco expressed concern over US Airways' treatment
of Marmon and the airlines lack of any formal dress code
requirements. The Board has urges the FAA to investigate
the selective enforcement practices of US Airways
related to passengers' attire and urged the FAA to
develop and implement consistent dress code policies
that do not lead to the infringement of passengers'
civil rights.
U.S. Airways has further stated "The incident occurred
because Mr. Marman refused to comply on multiple
occasions. We believes our employees acted appropriately
and don't think we should be held responsible for Mr. Marman's decisions and actions."