Drawing upon the methods of marine navigation, airway beacons were developed
by the Post Office. The earliest lighting consisted both of rotating beacons
and fixed course lights. The beacons were placed 10 miles apart and the
1,000-watt lamps were amplified by 24-inch parabolic mirrors into a beam
exceeding one million candlepower. They were mounted onto 51-foot towers
anchored on 70-foot long concrete-slab arrows, painted black with yellow
outline for daytime identification and pointing along the airway. Course
lights were also mounted on the light towers, projecting a 100,000 candlepower
searchlight beam alng the airway course and flashing a Morse-code number
between one and nine that identified the individual beacon along a hundred
mile segment of airway. Intermediate landing fields were spaced every 30
miles along an airway. These fields were primarily used for emergencies
during poor weather or for mechanical difficulties. Pilots could locate
these intermediate fields at night by green flashing lights installed on
the nearest enroute airway beacon.
A transcontinental airway segment between Illinois and Wyoming was equipped
with the beacons and nighttime service was begun on July 1, 1924. Additional
segments were lit both east and west, and the entire route, from New York
to San Francisco, was completed in 1929. The passage of the Air Commerce
Act of 1926, transferred the airway system to the Department of Commerce,
which created an Aeronautics Branch with an Airways Division. The last
segment over the California Sierras, with the most difficult terrain was
completed by the new Aeronautics Branch.
With the installation of radio navigation aids, the Airways Division
established airborne flight inspection as a safety requirement and by 1932,
six pilots were employed by the branch as airway patrol pilots. These six
pilots and the operations they conducted were the real predecessors of
flight inspection as it is known in the U.S. today.
The first practical radio navigation aid, introduced in 1928, was the
low frequency Four Course Radio Range. The courses from several ranges
could be aligned to provide airway guidance. Pilots listened on their radio
receivers to the transmitted signals, a combination of a Morse Code "A"
(dot-dash) and "N" (dash-dot) letter, so that an on-course signal was a
steady tone. This new aid, rudimentary as it was, nonetheless created the
first all-weather airways. The four-course ranges required airborne evaluation
of the radiated signals, particularly in proper airway alignment of the
four courses (minor adjustments were made by imbalancing the power output
from the four antennas used to transmit the courses) and checking for false
An article in the Air Commerce Bulletin in 1933, explicitly outlined
the responsibilities of the new airway patrol pilot positions. In the description
can be seen the developing mission of flight inspection. It noted that
"their chief duties are concerned with such matters as checking relative
brightness and elevations of beacon light beams; orientation of radio range
courses and transmission of proper signals; correctness of speech and transmission
of weather broadcasts to planes in flight; operating principles and procedure
of airways radio stations in carrying on communications with aircraft;
reception of marker beacons and 2-way radio communication service from
the marker beacon stations; the functioning of the facilities and condition
of landing areas at Department of Commerce intermediate landing fields,
and investigation work pertaining to all phases of aeronautic facilities
on the Federal airways system."
Each of the airway patrol pilots were assigned 3,000-3,500 miles of
Federal airways to patrol. The pilots were assigned to a Lighthouse district
and patrol offices were established within that area. The Airways Patrol
Headquarters were scattered at offices spread across the country. A variety
of aircraft were initially assigned to the patrol pilots. The early patrol
fleet apparently consisted of five Bellanca Pacemakers, a Curtiss-Wright
Sedan-15, several Stearman C-3Bs, and three Stinson SM-8As. Three earlier
Douglas M-4s were phased out by the end of 1930. Most of the aircraft were
utilized for both airway survey work and airway flight inspection.
Patrol work continued in limited fashion through the balance of the
1930s, constrained primarily by Depression-era budgets despite the mushrooming
air transport system and proliferation of radio navigation aids. The early
flight inspection fleet was nonetheless slowly supplanted by newer equipment
such as the Stinson SR-8B with an electrical system to handle required
radio equipment. In 1938, the Bureau of Air Commerce was reorganized as
the Civil Aeronautics Authority, with newly established administrative
Regions given charge of flight inspection within their own area. In 1940,
the Civil Aeronautics Authority gave way to the Civil Aeronautics Administration
(CAA) establishing an organizational framework that has carried forth to
the current FAA.
With U.S. involvement in World War II looming, flight inspection remained
a relatively small organization within the framework of each of the regional
offices. Each of the eight regions was apparently allowed two patrol pilots.
The Flight Inspection sections, although administratively assigned to the
regions, continued to operate under the Office of Federal Airways. The
Chief Airways Inspector (Flight) was nominally in charge of establishing
flight inspection procedures and promoting standardized methods. Aircraft
assignment, dispatch and maintenance, however, was maintained by the Aircraft
Control Service that had jurisdiction over the entire CAA fleet, with the
exception of those at the Experimental Station.
Beginning in 1940, ten new twin-engine Cessna T-50 Bobcats were purchased
for use in the flight inspection fleet, and an additional five were purchased
in 1942. There is little information about how these aircraft were modified
for the flight inspection mission except that airway patrol pilots of 1944
found them woefully inadequate to perform the job. The recorded minutes
of a May 1944 Airway Patrol Pilot meeting termed the assigned aircraft
"entirely unsatisfactory, and in some cases, actually extremely dangerous
to use for this kind of work." It went on to note that the aircraft created
a "bad impression" among air carrier pilots because the limitations of
the Bobcats often precluded facility checks in instrument weather or at
night. The remainder of the flight inspection fleet consisted of outdated
Stinsons purchased in 1936 and 1937.
Other items of interest divulged in the minutes for that meeting was
the call for the hiring of a third airway patrol pilot in each region to
help relieve some of the workload. As of July 31, 1941 there were 30,913
miles of airways with another 1,945 miles under construction. Since only
16 airway pilots were assigned to inspect the airway structure, and as
the radio ranges occupied most of their flight check time, there was little
attention given to the airway beacons or radio communication capability.
Also, newer inspection requirements for instrument approach and landing
procedures were seen as being neglected because of the lack of pilots.
Work had been progressing steadily since 1928 on the development of
an instrument landing system. In that year, the Bureau of Standards began
work on a system for the Aeronautics Branch, incorporating a low frequency
loop-type range localizer and position marker beacon. Lt. James Doolittle
then conducted a series of demonstration flights resulting in the first
successful blind landing on September 23, 1929. As the conversion to the
VHF frequency range was obviously desired, research continued at the Indianapolis
Experimental Station, Indiana, where the first modern VHF ILS installation
was demonstrated to the military and the airline industry in early 1940.
This system incorporated all the elements of the modern ILS, including
aircraft instrumentation, that remains in use today. The localizer signal
was standardized to use a VHF frequency in the range of 108 to 112 megahertz,
while the glide path transmitter utilized a range of 330 to 335 megahertz.
Two marker beacons, termed the outer and inner marker, each transmitted
on 75 megacycles and illuminated a purple and amber light, respectively,
in the cockpit. Also installed was a prototype runway approach lighting
system for demonstration.
Work had also
progressed on converting the low frequency airway navigation
transmitters to the VHF band. The Visual-Aural Range (VAR) was
the first navigation range developed to utilize the higher
frequency bands, but even though the VAR system introduced both
the VHF frequency band and direct course read-outs to the airway
navigational system, it was still limited by the number of
courses created by the transmissions.
The VAR system was
installed on the New York-Chicago airway for demonstration purposes beginning
in 1941. However, the shortage of VHF equipment caused by the war effort
impeded the aircraft installations and minimized the effect of VHF navigation
through the war years.
The delay bode well for the development of the first truly versatile
enroute navigation system, that being the VOR, under steady development
since 1937 but first deemed practical in late 1943. The creation of a rotating
radiation pattern transmitted simultaneously with a stable reference signal
created an unlimited number of possible courses and made true multi-course
VHF navigation a reality. A frequency range of 112 to 118 megacycles was
set aside for the new navaid. The old four-course radio range was instantly
made obsolete with the perfection of the VOR, but continued difficulties
in obtaining the electronic equipment and industrial priority during World
War II delayed equipment delivery until 1944 and deferred the widespread
installation of the VOR system until the late 1940s and early 1950s. When
the first VOR airway was established in 1951, over 271 VOR units had been
installed and commissioned. By June 1, 1952 over 45,000 miles of airways
utilizing the VOR were in operation. |
The delay bode well for the development of the first truly versatile
enroute navigation system, that being the VOR, under steady development
since 1937 but first deemed practical in late 1943. The creation of a rotating
radiation pattern transmitted simultaneously with a stable reference signal
created an unlimited number of possible courses and made true multi-course
VHF navigation a reality. A frequency range of 112 to 118 megacycles was
set aside for the new navaid. The old four-course radio range was instantly
made obsolete with the perfection of the VOR, but continued difficulties
in obtaining the electronic equipment and industrial priority during World
War II delayed equipment delivery until 1944 and deferred the widespread
installation of the VOR system until the late 1940s and early 1950s. When
the first VOR airway was established in 1951, over 271 VOR units had been
installed and commissioned. By June 1, 1952 over 45,000 miles of airways
utilizing the VOR were in operation.
Through the early 1950s, the CAA developed a series of ambitious plans
for the widespread installation of standardized navigational aids consisting
of VOR/DME’s for the airways, plus long-range and terminal radar equipment
and ILS’s for airport approaches. The continued growth of civil aviation
and the advent of the jet airliner soon pushed airspace problems into the
headlines. Several major mid-air collisions, including one over the Grand
Canyon in June 1956, pressed the Congress and federal government into making
a dramatic new commitment to funding air traffic and airspace improvements.
By the end of 1956 an overhaul of the system was begun, with a price tag
in excess of $450 million.
For CAA flight inspection, the planned installation of hundreds of VOR’s
and ILS’s demanded a dramatic increase in flight inspection capability.
Toward that end, the U.S. Navy eventually transferred forty surplus R4Ds
(DC-3) to the CAA for modification into the new "Type II" DC-3 flight inspection
aircraft. The Type II DC-3 became the standard flight inspection aircraft
system wide for nearly twenty years, with the CAA eventually operating nearly
sixty DC-3s in its fleet. The prime mission of the DC-3 fleet
was envisioned to be ILS and terminal approach inspection, plus
the detailed commissioning inspections of all new facilities.
Each DC-3 operated with two pilots and at least one airborne
electronics technician, a crew concept that has carried forth to
modern flight inspection |
Also, to explore how VOR’s and other navaids performed at the altitudes
new jet aircraft were now routinely flying, the U.S. Air Force agreed to
loan two Martin B-57 Canberra bombers to the CAA for high-altitude use.
The Air Force pulled two Boeing KC-135s from the production line for fitting
as high-altitude flight inspection aircraft for loan to the CAA.
The Semi-Automatic Flight Inspection (SAFI) program was developed in
the late 1950s to perform long-range airway-type inspection. Five U.S.
Air Force C-131 Convairs were obtained and modified with DME positioning
information and computerized recorders. All five Convairs were modified
with the installation of Allison turboprop engines before they joined the
flight inspection fleet. The SAFI program flew predetermined grids across
the country looking at each of the enroute VORTAC’s as part of the entire
airspace system.
Before most of this new equipment had been delivered, Congress passed
the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to overcome differences between the CAA
and the military over aviation matters. This legislation created a new
independent agency, the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA). The FAA was separated
from the Department of Commerce, and assigned the final jurisdiction over
civil and military aviation as they participated in the national airspace
The new FAA faced many problems with the expanding airspace system,
but quickly established itself as a technically-proficient, competent authority
on aviation matters. In 1959, the U.S. Army and Navy transferred their
flight inspection programs to the FAA. The U.S. Air Force, under the prodding
of a 1962 Presidential executive order, developed a new sense of cooperation
with the FAA and, with "Operation Friendship," transferred much of its
own flight inspection capability to the FAA. This transfer included its
fleet of Douglas AC-54s, Douglas AC-47s, and Convair AT-29s for the FAA
to perform routine Air Force flight inspection. The combat flight inspection
mission was retained by the Air Force for its Lockheed C-140 Jetstar-eqiupped
flight inspection squadron.
One important international aspect of FAA flight inspection operations
during the late 1950s and extending through the 1960’s, was the particular
emphasis placed upon foreign aid. Under the auspices of the Agency for
International Development and other State Department-administered programs,
foreign flight inspection programs were developed utilizing the training
facilities at the Aeronautical Center. DC-3s, including several drawn directly
from the FAA fleet, were modified similarly to the Type II configuration
by the FAA and delivered to the foreign governments for flight inspection.
In 1965, for example,
nine DC-3s and DC-4s, obtained both from FAA and military sources, were
provided to the governments of Columbia, Kenya, Mexico, and Vietnam for
use in flight inspection or transportation. Other countries that
received such assistance over the years included Canada, Spain, Brazil,
Greece, Somalia, Argentina, and Chile. The FAA was also instrumental in
developing a portable flight inspection package that many nations found
more practical to use than establishing a dedicated flight inspection
aircraft fleet.
The early 1960’s were primarily devoted to standardization of the flight
inspection mission across the regions and solidifying the gains made in
the late 1950s. Installation of new navaids continued at a rapid pace.
By the mid-1960s, FAA flight inspection remained organized at the regional
office level but was performed from nearly twenty Flight Inspection District
Offices (FIDOs) spread across the country. The SAFI program was based at
three Flight Inspection Field Offices (FIFOs), with the entire flight inspection
program administered from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, by the Bureau of Flight
Standards within the FAA. Other aircraft employed in the FAA fleet included
five Lockheed L-749 Constellations for Pacific and Far East flight inspection
and several Lockheed TV-2s (T-33) for high-altitude work.
In April 1967,
another government reorganization occurred, with the independent
Federal Aviation Agency transferring to the new Department
of Transportation and becoming the Federal Aviation Administration. Beginning
in the late 1960’s an effort was made to consolidate the flight inspection
fleet organization with a smaller, more efficient fleet. The DC-3s, though
still reliable, were deemed too slow for the modern airspace system. Also,
new technology using inertial navigation with DME updating and computer
analysis was available that made the DC-3 installations obsolete. The FAA
purchased a fleet of fifteen Sabreliner 80s to replace the DC-3s, with
an additional fleet of five Sabreliner 40s for international work and five
Aero Commander AC-1121 Jet Commanders to supplement the Sabreliner fleet.
The Sabreliner 80s were equipped with the new Automated Flight Inspection
System (AFIS) that utilized modern positioning technology with automated
flight inspection analysis. The AFIS eliminated the need for a ground based
Radio Theodolite Transmitter (RTT) operator. |
In 1972, the entire flight inspection program was reorganized into the
Flight Inspection National Field Office (FINFO) and removed from most of
the regional organizations. With the delivery of the new jet fleet, a dozen
of the FIDOs were closed and consolidated to nine FIFOs, seven located
domestically with two overseas offices at Tokyo and Frankfurt. In 1975,
the FINFO was reorganized as the Flight Standards National Field Office
(FSNFO). By 1982, the last regional flight inspection program, long fought-for
and retained by the Alaskan Region, was brought into the FSNFO. Shortly
afterwards, in the flight inspection program was removed from Flight Standards
and incorporated into the new Aviation Standards National Field Office
(AVN). AVN later incorporated other elements of Flight Standards including
the Airmen and Aircraft Registry.
In 1978, the Microwave Landing System (MLS) was selected by ICAO as
the eventual replacement for the ILS. The FAA began MLS installations in
the early 1980s with flight check Sabreliners performing the initial commissioning
inspections of the new navaids. Industry resistance and the advent of new
satellite navigation technology has slowed the transition to the MLS, but
nearly two-dozen installations remain in service and require regular flight
During the mid-1980’s, in an effort to address fuel conservation and
the structural condition of the Sabreliner 80 fleet, a decision was made
to purchase a new flight inspection aircraft to replace the Sabre 80. Beechcraft
offered a modified version of its Beechcraft BE-300 Super King Air turboprop-powered
corporate transport. In 1986 the FAA ordered 19 of the Super King with
an upgraded AFIS system, with deliveries commencing in 1988.
In 1991, the FAA assumed all of the U.S. Air Force flight inspection
mission and accepted the transfer of the six Hawker C-29s (BAe-800) Air
Force flight inspection aircraft into its fleet. The BAe-800s are utilized
primarily for international flight inspection, supplanting the last of
the FAA Sabreliners. Also, in 1991, the Aviation Standards National Field
Office became the Office of Aviation System Standards (AVN). Further consolidations
resulted in a structure of four Flight Inspection Area Offices (FIAOs)
located at Sacramento, California; Battle Creek, Michigan; Atlanta, Georgia;
and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Satellite offices are located at Atlantic
City, New Jersey and Anchorage, Alaska. An International Flight Inspection
Office (IFIO) was established at Oklahoma City to perform the world-ranging
FAA flight inspection mission. |
With the 1990’s came also the development of Global Positioning System
(GPS) technology, promising a new satellite-based positioning navigation
source now slated to replace many of the ground-based navigation systems
in the next decade. Hundreds of new non-precision instrument approaches
based on the new GPS technology are being developed and flight checked
each year, with work underway to add the capability of precision GPS approaches
with ILS-type approach minimums in coming years.
In the mid-1990’s, the FAA flight inspection fleet was supplemented
by the purchase of a number of new Lear 60’s and Challenger 601’s, bringing
the total FAA flight inspection fleet today to eighteen Beech BE-300F’s,
six British Aerospace BAe-800’s, six Bombardier Lear 60’s, and three Bombardier
Challenger 601’s, each equipped with an updated AFIS system utilizing GPS-positioning.
Additionally, a number of Beechcraft Barons are being employed for regional
engineering test programs for new navaid installations with portable flight
inspection packages installed as required.
Today, FAA flight inspection routinely inspects thousands of navaids
and instrument procedures, including ILS, MLS, VOR, DME, TACAN, GPS, NDB,
various radars, and airport lighting. Continued advancements in avionics
with Flight Management Systems (FMS) combined with GPS positioning and
other, new high-tech possibilities for aerospace navigational and landing
aids suggest an increasing role for flight inspection in the future. Despite
the relentless march of technology, there remains the same need for an
airborne evaluation of aviation navigation aids and procedures as was established
by the original air mail pilots over seventy-five years ago. |