April 9, 2014 - U.S. Travel Association
President and CEO, Roger Dow, voiced tepid
support for H.R. 4156, the "Transparent Airfares
Act of 2014," and urged lawmakers to incorporate
further changes in the bill to provide air
travelers with the full scope of the
legislation's promise, a clear view of the costs
built into ticket prices.
"The impetus for the bill is solid, but it could
be more accurately called the 'Translucent
Airfares Act' because it doesn't go far enough
in providing the transparency in airfare pricing
that consumers crave," Dow said.
"It only gets halfway there by still allowing
sites to obfuscate the full price of an airline
ticket. If we're going to do this, let's do it
right the first time, and finish the job.