Both pilots were traveling from Rariq Hariri
Airport in the airlines van on their way to a
hotel in Beirut after flying in from Istanbul on
a scheduled flight. The van the pilots were
traveling in was stopped and seized by six
Zuwwar al-Imam Rida gunmen.
IFALPA said any attack on civil aviation
constitutes a willful hazard to the safety and
security of passengers and crew. States and
Operators should consider the prevention of such
attacks as a high priority, and do everything in
their power to ensure the security of air crews
and their families, in particular during
The International Federation of Air Line Pilots’
Associations represents in excess of 100,000
pilots in more than 100 countries world-wide.
IFALPA’s mission is to be the global voice of
airline pilots, promoting the highest level of
aviation safety and security world-wide and
providing services, support and representation
to all of its Member Associations.