July 22, 2013 - The town of Deer Trail located
55 miles east of Denver and a population of just
over 500 residents will take up a vote at its
next town-hall meeting on August 7, to determine
whether the town will adopt an ordinance that
would allow its residents to hunt and shoot down
drones, unmanned aircraft.
The vote will determine if the town will issue
drone hunting licenses at $25.00 which will be
good for one year. Phillip Steel, 48, a resident
and author of the ordinance stated, "This is a
very symbolic ordinance. Basically, I do not
believe in the idea of a surveillance society,
and I believe we are heading that way. They'll
sell like hot cakes, and it would be a real
drone hunting license, it could be a huge
moneymaker for the town."
Steel further stated he has 28 signatures on his
petition, 10 percent of the town's registered
voters. Under Colorado law, the town’s officials
are required to formally consider the proposal
at its next town-hall meeting. Deer Trail
officials will have the option of adopting the
ordinance or putting it on the ballot for a fall