"The ecoDemonstrator illustrates how we're
pursuing technologies and advanced materials
that make airplanes operate more efficiently and
produce fewer emissions and less noise," said
John Tracy, Boeing chief technology officer. "I
am proud of the leadership role that Boeing is
playing in advancing the science of aerospace
and demonstrating the value of these
technologies to our airline customers, the
flying public, and to society at large."
American Airlines is loaning a new
Next-Generation 737-800 to Boeing to serve as
the testbed for these advanced technologies. The
flight testing completed in Glasgow allowed
Boeing engineers to gather volumes of data about
the viability of each technology. After testing
is complete, the airplane will be returned to
standard configuration and delivered to American
later this year.
"At American Airlines, we are working diligently
to improve our carbon footprint. Reducing noise
pollution, conserving fuel and waste
minimization are just a few of the areas where
we are making progress," said David Campbell,
vice president of Safety, Security, and
Environmental for American Airlines.
"This is why it is so crucial for us to
participate in programs like the ecoDemonstrator,
so that we can test technologies that will
continue to improve not only American's
environmental performance, but our entire
industry as well. We remain committed to doing
our part to be good stewards for the