FAA does view bonding repair as a viable repair
option, nonetheless, the FAA recognizes that
bonded repair of critical structure does pose a
potential safety threat and that there must be a
limit on size of bonded repairs and the
application or use of bonded material.
In order for bonding to adhere properly to a
surface there are a number of procedural steps
that have to be taken. Such as the surface area
must be properly prepped and cleaned, proper
mixing of bonding agents, taking into account
humidity, etc.
Once the bonding agent has been applied and
dried there is no sure way to ensure that the
bonded area has achieved expected full strength.
As a result the FAA has put together a policy
that would provide guidance in the use of
bonding aircraft surfaces to insure that there
is an industry-wide standard and offers a means
of accountability. The FAA is excepting comments
on this policy until October 10, 2014. Draft
Document (MS Word) - Email comments to: - Fax comments
to: 316-946-4107