September 23, 2014 - Timothy Cassell, 65, of Saratoga, California had
planned a trip to his family's resort in
Death Valley, a trip he had made
every other week for the past six years in his
1966, Piper Cherokee 150 (N5948W) aircraft.
On Monday the 15th, Cassell arrived at Reid Hillview
Airport, he performed a
preflight on the aircraft, fueled up and boarded
his aircraft, “I did my normal preflight checks
and got my preflight briefing." Cassell was
cleared for departure at about 10:45 AM by air
traffic control under clear skies.
Enroute to Panamint Springs Resort in Death
Valley, about 20 minutes into the flight, at
13,000 feet AGL over San Joaquin Valley, Cassell
encountered a mechanical problem with his
engine, the aircraft's propeller had broken in
Cassell said “Instantly I saw this flash of
something take off the front of the airplane. It
started vibrating so violently. Metal around it
started to buckle and shift and the plane felt
like it was moving like this in the air.”