Technician Finds 31 Pounds Of Cocaine Onboard An
American Airlines Flight |
January 31, 2017
- An airline maintenance worker in Oklahoma
found 31 pounds of cocaine in the nose cone of
an American Airlines jet after it arrived from
Colombia, police said on Monday. Seven bricks of
the drug, with a street value of at least
$200,000, were discovered on Sunday night at the
carrier's maintenance base in Tulsa, the Tulsa
County Sheriff's Office said in a Facebook post.
"A technician went to check the electronics bay
... and some of the insulation looked new. He
moved it and saw one of the bricks," the sheriff
said. The bricks of cocaine were covered in
wheel grease that appeared to have been applied
to the bricks to ward off drug dogs, said Casey
Roebuck, communications director for the Tulsa
County Sheriff's Office.
The flight, a Boeing 757, originated in Bogota,
and landed in Miami. It was sent on to Tulsa for
maintenance checks because the base in Miami was
too busy, the sheriff said. Casey Roebuck,
spokesperson for the Tulsa County Sheriff's
Office said "That's a lot of cocaine, so we
suspect cartel involvement. That's why we're
turning it over to the DEA [in Miami] (U.S. Drug
Enforcement Administration)." |