Mass Shooting
At Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International
Airport |
January 6, 2017
- Mass shooting at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood
International Airport at the baggage claim area
in Terminal Two, a Delta and Air Canada
terminal. The shooter, who is believed to be a
lone gunman, has been identified as 26 year old
Esteban Santiago-Ruiz.
The shooting which occurred just before 1 PM
lasted almost one minute, Santiago-Ruiz shot and
killed five people and wounded six others at
which point it was reported that the gunman ran
out of ammunition, he then laid down on the
floor and surrendered to police and was taken
into custody without incident.
Former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer
who was at the airport at the time tweeted
"Shots have been fired. Everyone is running."
Passengers and airport personnel ran for safety,
many exited the terminal area and ran outside
onto the secure aircraft ramp area. |
The airport has been
completely shut down, only emergency flights are
allowed to land, this after the FAA issued a
Ground Stop Notice. Most flight have been routed
to Miami International Airport.It has been
reported that the shooter, a resident of Alaska
had taken a flight from Anchorage to Fort
Lauderdale with a connecting flight in Saint
Paul International Airport.
Santiago-Ruiz a
military veteran had declared and checked in a
Walther PPS 9 mm semi-automatic pistol in his
baggage which was stored in the belly of the
aircraft. Upon arriving at Fort
Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport, the
gunman went down to the baggage claim area,
retrieved his bag, went into the men’s room
loaded his gun and came out shooting for no
apparent reason. |